
Display Testimonial

Ryan Stock San Diego, Business Owner

“I’ve loved working with Chris. He has a depth to him that makes an impact on you. Not only is he a great speaker, he really cares, which makes you care.”

Dr. Katherine Macey, Ph.D.

Chris is not only an entertaining speaker; he approaches his topics with a depth of understanding that is refreshing. His insights are always right on point. I’ve always been able to take away actionable steps that make a difference whenever I’ve heard him speak. Highly recommended.

Sarah Root Transformational Healing Facilitator

Chris brings a powerful and loving energy to his coaching. He is especially gifted at asking powerful questions and helping people visualize inspiring new ways of being. There is an amazing transformative force behind his voice and his words. He is deeply intuitive and follows the client wherever s/he leads, with great presence. I brought some very tough old patterns to Chris, and was delighted at the end of eight weeks to have experienced huge breakthroughs. These are some of the biggest breakthroughs in my long life filled with a lot of counseling and coaching! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Clinton Swaine Owner at Frontier Trainings -The World Leader in Experiential Education

I have known Chris for eleven years. I have watched him grow, develop and become a loving, nurturing, connected man who wants the best for all around him. His love… and empowerment of others is both inspiring and enlightening. He is a product of his work and whenever I fly back to San Diego he is always my first lunch partner to catch up and share in his wisdom. I encourage you to stop, listen and absorb the wisdom he shares.

Maren Ohaks Katzaroff Director Strategic Planning Advanced Medical Isotope Corporation

Chris is an incredibly talented coach. From the first time one meets him, one feel he sees you at your highest potential. Chris inspires and motivates everyone he interacts with. He has a remarkable ability to, through thoughtful inquiry, lead you to the discovery of the heart of the matter in what is holding you back, and from that limiting core belief, guide you through a transformation to freedom and abundance. He offers genuine support while challenging you to achieve results you barely dreamed possible.

Through his remarkable ability to lead me through guided inquiry we were able to identity very specific thoughts and beliefs that were limiting the way I interacted with the world. As he led me through simple processes to create spaciousness allowing me to engage more fully with life, my gifts and purpose became clearer. Through practices that Chris carefully designed to ingrain habits of peace, presence, confidence and gratitude, I felt more comfortable in my purpose and more joyful in my life.

The full impact of his work is challenging to put into words. I can say that I am so very grateful to Chris for helping me to identify and release points of resistance in my life. This has resulted in me having greater freedom to enjoy the abundance of my life by realizing my gifts and more ways to share them to make the world a better place, and to teach me reliable ways of living each day with greater peace and presence.